Tuesday, March 11, 2008

26 week update

This is overdue, so I'm sorry! We are 26 weeks along as of today, and less than 100 days left to go. It's been fun over the last 6 weeks to start feeling the Nugget kick and punch, especially when we are hungry or getting ready for bed. I gained just a couple of pounds last month but still nothing significant and Dr. Heit is very pleased with our progress. At our last appointment, I was measuring at 24cm, just perfect for our timeline.

My appetite has started returning, and of course I'm not hungry for anything healthy. (Last night my supper consisted of barbecue chips with cream cheese (Aaron's favorite snack) and a cup of chocolate pudding. Nice!)

We registered at Babies R Us this month. Aaron loved being in control of the scanning gun and had so much fun picking things out for the Nugget. Among his favorites are the sportscar walker and giddy-up horsey jumperoo. He was very thorough in his research for the safest stroller as well as our high chair, which hooks onto one of our kitchen chairs instead of being a huge free-standing one. Many thanks to Miss Heather, who came along with us and made her best recommendations.

It's just about time for us to start painting and decorating the baby's room. Hooray! Tick tock tick tock, we don't have much time to waste:)

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