Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's very bittersweet, this one-year-old business.

This week, we gave up nursing, bottles, and formula. Now, Aidan drinks organic whole milk from a cup. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tiny bit sad about not nursing him anymore - though we were down to only one time a day, it was our special time together first thing each morning. However, I know it is what's best for him and it is a freeing feeling knowing that if I'm rushing around in the morning, Aaron can feed him.

I am so proud of this big boy. He has handled these transitions with a minimal amount of protest. He goes with the flow and is such a blessing. We are so lucky to have a healthy and happy baby boy - one who waves at anything and everything, thinks his daddy is the funniest human being on the planet, and who loves his mama so much that her name is the word he utters more than any other.

I'm not sure why we got so lucky, but for this Nugget I'll take the bittersweet parts any day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

One Year Pictures

Aidan's one year pictures are online! We are in trouble!!
To see them, click here. The password is pennington. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Remember this little guy?

Monthly Aidan

It's Aidan's birthday!

At one year, Aidan:
-talks all the live-long day. Can say mama, dada, all done, hi, no, and sounds starting with ba, pa, la, and more
-does the sign language for more, light, fan, and milk
-claps and laughs all the time
-has six teeth; two more (lower laterals) poked through and halfway up
-shakes the daylights out of his toys
-can crawl on all fours, pull up to standing, and cruise along furniture but really just prefers to army crawl
-loves books and anything with wheels
-still laughs when he eats carrots - though now they are cut up instead of pureed
-will eat anything we put in front of him
-Typical breakfast: waffle, pancake, or oatmeal with fruit
-Typical lunch and dinner: hot dog, Boca burger, pinto beans, or chicken nuggets with fruit and veggie
-nurses first thing in the morning and has bottles in the afternoon and right before bed
-sleeps 8pm-7am each night, and naps 9-11am and *maybe* 2-4pm
-loves knocking towers over and has recently started putting things away!!
-weighs 21 pounds, 11 ounces (40th percentile) and is 30 5/8" long (75th percentile)
-wears 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes
-has learned how to stick out his tongue
-is truly the greatest blessing we could have ever imagined!