Monday, June 30, 2008

Dear Satan,
You really shouldn't have invented this:

Amy Pennington

Daily Aidan

Today we had Aidan's newborn pictures taken at Moments & Memories. Aidan was a superstar and was so cooperative for the photographer! We should have the proofs online by next Monday and I'll post the link as soon as we get it. Anyway, as you can see, being a model is exhausting!

Happy Birthday, Sophie!

Knitted cake hat from Amy Pennington

Yesterday was Sophie's first birthday. She is Aidan's first girlfriend (he prefers older women like his Daddy) and I LOOOOOOVE how cute she looks in the hat I knitted her.

Love and kisses to Sophie and her family!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Daily Aidan

Proud cousin Chase :)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Daily Aidan

My Hart girls - SO excited to meet the little man;)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Daily Aidan

first bath at home - 6/22/08

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Daily Aidan

Daddy and the kids, taking a much-needed siesta

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

{yawn of relief}

When we were at the hospital, the nurses suggested that Aidan eat every three hours. So even if he was napping, I should wake him up to feed him. In the hospital it was no big deal, because there were people poking and prodding at me at all hours anyway. However comma when we got home, it was a whole new experience! He wanted to sleep longer than that and I wanted to sleep longer than that, but I was setting an alarm to keep us on schedule. Yuck.

When we saw Dr. Hostetler yesterday, I asked her about letting Aidan sleep longer at night and she agreed, since he is gaining enough weight. Last night I put him down at 10:45 and he woke up at 3:30, then not again until 7:30. Hallelujah! I felt like I'd slept for a week!

Aidan had a busy day today of errands and visitors, so hopefully tonight will be a repeat performance.

PS - many thanks to my Hart girls for bringing dinner tonight. It was delicious!!

Daily Aidan

Wearing booties knitted by Ginger

Monday, June 23, 2008

First trip to the doctor

We had our first trip to the doctor today, and Aidan is doing great. He is almost up to his birth weight and Dr. Hostetler is pleased with how well he is doing. He definitely doesn't miss any meals! His belly button will probably fall off tonight during his bath. We go back next month for his next checkup:) Thanks to everyone who keeps us in their thoughts and prayers. We're having a blast being new parents!

Daily Aidan

I have so much to tell and so many pictures to share - but many of you know what it's like with a newborn, so I hope you understand why I haven't posted much yet. Anyway, I thought a fun way for me to share pictures on a regular basis, even when I don't have time to type a lot, is to put up at least one picture each day. So...welcome to the Daily Aidan:) Here is the first installment...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Welcome to the World

...a continuation from Monday night's post...

When Aaron and I went to sleep Monday night at the hospital, I started having pretty severe back pain. I figured it was just because the bed I was in was terribly uncomfortable...anyway, I got a heating pad which would give me about 10 minutes of relief at a time. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep.AT.ALL.

Tuesday morning, we started things bright and early at 6am. My pain was severe enough - the "back pain" was back LABOR and I was also having "normal" contractions - that the doctor on call went ahead and broke my water at 6:30am, and called in the anesthesiologist to administer the magical miracle epidural. After that Godsend, they administered the pitocin at about 7:30am. Luckily by that time, I was feeling no pain at all and all was well with the world. At 10am I started pushing and at 11:17am, our precious Aidan Dean entered the world. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and is 21 inches long. He is the spitting image of his daddy and has the longest fingers and toes we've ever seen! His head full of thick hair is the same color as mine when I was born, with shades of red, and red eyelashes and eyebrows.

Aidan is such a wonderful baby. He has been a good eater from the start and charmed the pants off of everyone at the hospital. I'll continue to post more stories and photos, but wanted to catch everyone up on how he entered the world. Thanks so much for your patience!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Tick Tock...

...we are at the hospital! We're in our labor & delivery room, I have had the cervadil, and am hooked up to 10,000 differnet gadgets.
They are giving me the pitocin at 6am instead of 7am - that's the only thing that has changed. Other than that, things are okay. My blood pressure is higher than normal (around 150/90) but they're keeping a close eye and we'll be just fine.
Soon I'll get some Ambien and be off to dreamland, only to wake up on the Nugget's birthday!

I'll update when I can, and as long as I feel up to it:)

Don't Mess with the Nugget


Thanks, Miss Heather, for an adorable souvenir from your trip to Texas!
Dear Knitted Sheep Blanket,

Knitting a blanket for the Nugget

I really have high hopes for you. The problem is, you are SO BORING to knit. I started knitting you right after I found out I was pregnant, figuring that would give me plenty of time to finish you and wrap the Nugget with you at the hospital. Yet here we are, checking into the hospital in less than four hours...and I'm halfway done with you. Mentally, I am WAY past done with you.


Scoring Update: Productivity 206, Laziness 12.5

So rather than the traditional obsessive cleaning that goes along with nesting, apparently I've had the project completion bug. Holy crap, who knew how much I could get done when not working 6-day weeks??

A sampling of what I've accomplished since starting maternity leave:
-caught up on our baseball scrapbook
-made five sets of notecards for my knitting girls' birthdays this summer
-sewed/quilted a darling green & brown blanket for the Nugget
-finished knitting Chubby Bunny
-caught up on baby thank you cards
-caught up on our Christmas scrapbook
-made and set summer greeting cards
-addressed birthday cards for the next two months
-knitted a 1st birthday hat for Sophie
-started Nugget's first year digital scrapbook
-caught up on my knitting journal
-managed to knit about 10 rows of Nugget's sheep blanket

Here are some pictures to show the fruits of my labor:

Additionally, I've started a new online scrapbooking class to jump-start me back into scrapbooking...I miss creating layouts so much and tend to get caught up with making cards and gifts that I end up never making pages. Anyway, I've already done four layouts and here they are:

I love feeling productive!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fantasy Camp - the last installment

Since I'm in catch-up mode, here are the last pictures of Fantasy Camp that I hadn't posted. These are the professional pictures that were taken all week. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nursery Pictures

At long last, here are the pictures of our nursery. We are so proud of how it turned out, and owe many thanks to Grammy and Granddaddy Ludwig for all of their help with painting, electrical, hanging things, etc. We hope you love it!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

38 Week Update

It has been 8 weeks since my last pictures - oops! Time has flown!

I don't even know where to start!

My gestational diabetes is well under control and I was released from the perinatologist after only two visits. Dr. Heit is very happy with my progress and as of today, I'm two pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight.

The only side effect I've been having is my feet swelling at night. Aaron's nicknames for me are "Michelin Man" and "Cankles." LOL! Luckily once I go to bed, the next morning I am back to normal. Then the whole process starts over again and I'm puffed up by mid-afternoon. My Crocs are even too tight! I have switched to the Crocs flip-flops (in pink and orange, my favorite colors) and they are great.

We're at the OB's office twice a week right now - Tuesdays are for checkups with Dr. Heit and non-stress tests; Fridays are for non-stress tests. Basically, I have a heart monitor placed on my belly for 20 minutes while they measure heart rate and activity levels. Sometimes Nugget cooperates and moves and shakes the whole time...other times, the nurse breaks out the COWBELL (yes, you read that right...I am waiting for Christopher Walken to appear at any moment) and basically tries to disturb the baby as much as possible to make him/her move. It's fun to hear the heartbeat for that long and we've been passing our tests with flying colors each time.

Nugget's favorite activities include hiccups about 4 times a day, and pushing his or her little butt up as far into my ribs as possible! It's too funny - out of the blue I'll have this mound rise up out of my belly for a few minutes, then sink back down.

Today we had an ultrasound to determine Nugget's size. Since moms with gestational diabetes can make really.big.babies, they've been keeping a close eye on us. It was so awesome to see Nugget's little face - definitely looking like a BABY now and not a weird alien life form:

The top picture is a profile with hand up by the mouth. The bottom picture is head-on - hopefully you can see those sweet chubby cheeks!! The ultrasound indicated that Nugget currently weighs 7 pounds, 6 ounces and the head is about 12" in circumference. Sounds big, huh!? Well, that size is the 54th percentile, so s/he is a totally average-sized baby. More than likely, we're looking at about 8.5 pounds at birth.

Speaking of, if I haven't gone into labor by the 17th (which at this point is probably what will happen - I'm 50% effaced but not dilated at all), we'll check into the hospital Monday evening the 16th and I'll be induced Tuesday morning the 17th at 7am. I'll keep you posted!

All in all, I can't tell you what a great experience this has been. We've really been blessed with an easy pregnancy and it's much more fun than I thought it would be! Coming soon are nursery pictures (Uncle Mike, thanks for your patience!)

Lots of love from all of the APs!