Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reason #3863308 I love my husband... a surprise gift for having Aidan, he hired a housekeeping service for me!
Our house is sparkling clean, and the best part is, I didn't have to lift a finger!! :)

I before E, except after D

I've had a lot of questions about Aidan's name, so I thought I would write a post about it.

The most common question is about spelling - hence the title of this post. The way my mom explains the spelling is "A-I-Dan." There's another way to spell it - Aiden - but I liked the look of both A's, and it is the most common spelling, so we went with that one.

It sounds like an uncommon name, but it was actually the #1 boy name in the state of Kansas last year, and is #54 on the Social Security Administration list. {I even checked to make sure there were lots of personalized items readily available before settling on it!}

Its origin is Irish and means "little fire" or "fiery" - perfect for our little redhead who doesn't stand a chance of avoiding stubbornness! I fell in love with Aidan's name duing the Sex & the City years. John Corbett's character was too cute and a really great, thoughtful guy.

So there you have it - more than you ever wanted to know about Aidan's name!!

Daily Aidan

Aidan's first trip to mommy's studio - he enjoyed meeting Ms Lorene, Mr. Rock, and Mr. Vaccaro!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Daily Aidan

Obsession: Ceiling Fans

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Daily Aidan

Crazy nap hair:)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Daily Aidan

at knitting last Sunday

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Wii are out of shape

So continuing on my previous post, we are now the proud owners of a Wii Fit.
We hooked it up tonight after dinner at Grammy's house and started setting up our profiles.

According to the Wii, I am in the "overweight" category (DUH) and my Wii Fit age is 45. Ouch.
Aaron is also in the "overweight" category...barely, but the Wii is smoking crack on that one...and his Wii Fit age is 40.

I have struggled with my weight my entire adult life. For one, I have thyroid disease which makes weight loss pretty difficult. But really, I like to eat and hate to exercise.

Because of my gestational diabetes, I really watched what I ate during my pregnancy and gained 2 pounds total. Since leaving the hospital, I can thank the gift of breastfeeding for helping me lose almost 40 pounds. Really, I can't take credit. But I will take it and run to the mall, because most of my pre-pregnancy clothes are too big!

The cool thing about Wii Fit is that you can set goals for yourself and it will help you track them. I am all about lists and tracking (just take a look at the clipboard we keep in the diaper bag to track Aidan's "input" and "output") so I think this will help.

By my estimation, I have 36 more pounds to lose. I've broken it up into four goals - eleven pounds, ten pounds, ten pounds, and the last five pounds. I'm setting rewards for myself because I like an excuse to get presents! My first present will be these cuties, after losing eleven pounds. (These are the shoes I found at Nordy's today but decided to make myself work for them rather than buying them right away.)

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Aidan Gets a Pony, v.1

Miss Heather and I always talk about good behavior by saying, "I'm going to buy him a pony for that." Basically, we're not above blatant bribary and once we hit up the imaginary money tree in each of our backyards, we'll go on a spending spree to spoil our little buggers rotten.

So to celebrate any fabulousness that he exhibits, I'm starting a new section called "Aidan Gets a Pony." (Note: the opposite behaviors will be included in the "I'm Selling Him to the Natives" posts...)

Case in point: Today, Aidan and I went to the mall. I needed some new exfoliant, wanted to check out the baby clothes at Nordstrom, look at t-shirts at Eddie Bauer, and perhaps pick out a new lip gloss. Aidan was napping and totally content in his stroller, so I took my chances.

I didn't find anything at Nordstrom (except a really cute pair of shoes for myself, which I'll write about in another post) so we made our way toward the Bare Escentuals store for lip gloss. Halfway there, I noticed a line of people in GameStop and immediately knew why they were there. Wii Fit! While I was pregnant, I decided my post-pregnancy workouts would include either Wii Fit or Dance Dance Revolution, since we're going to let our gym membership expire. We've been looking for Wii Fit for several weeks now, and it seems to be as popular as the Wii consoles themselves! And as always, as soon as I know I can't have something, I immediately want it MORE.

To make a long story short (OK, less long), the store was expecting six sets of Wii Fit and I was sixth in line at 11:45am. The shipment was expected by noon, so it was no big deal for Aidan to hang out for a few minutes.

A few minutes became almost two hours - at 1:30pm, the shipment finally arrived, and Aidan didn't make a peep the entire time! What a good baby. NOW you know why I'm buying him a pony!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Off They Go!

Today, Grandma Janine took Aidan on his first adventure away from Mom & Dad. They went to see Grandma's coworkers and brother. Meanwhile, Daddy slept and Mommy ran 10,000 errands!

Daily Aidan

Aidan and I love to read together every day, and his current favorite book is I Kissed the Baby by Mary Murphy. It was a gift from my Kindermusik student Isobel and the bold black & white graphics are perfect for his eyesight right now. Hooray!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rosemary's Baby? we had our first experience with projectile vomit today. At 6am. On our bed.
I have never seen spit-up fly so far in my life. I seriously was waiting for his head to start spinning around! Wow.

Daily Aidan

Hanging out on the Boppy

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monthly Aidan

Today Aidan is one month old!

We saw Dr. Hostetler today, and Aidan now weighs 9lb, 9oz (50th percentile) and is 22" long (60th percentile). His head is 15" in circumference (50th percentile). Dr. H. is thrilled with how well he is doing and we'll see her again next month.

This month, Aidan:
Is starting to track objects, like ceiling fans
Must be moving at all times if he’s tired
Sleeps in his bouncy chair, swaddled
Lets out a darling sigh after he sneezes
Holds his head up a lot
Hates his bath but loves to have his hair washed
Eats every three hours and takes an hour to do so
Likes to potty on his daddy
Is wearing newborn and 0-3mos clothes
Took a bottle for the first time
Isn't thrilled with tummy time
Curls his toes when he eats
“Kills” his pacifier
Sleeps well at night but doesn’t nap much during the day
Is a smiley little guy
Is learning all about the Royals, as well as the words to the KU alma mater
Has hiccups at least three times a day

The first month has flown by...thanks for sharing it with us!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Daily Aidan

Is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby???

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Daily Aidan

Thanks Uncle Terry & Aunt Deb for this adorable outfit and blanket!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to Work Tonight :(

Thank you so much for spending the first four weeks of Aidan's life here at home. The bond you two have created during this time is so amazing, and the bond between you and I has been strengthened exponentially. You have been more help than you'll ever know! Thank you for taking such good care of us...

Daily Aidan

Meeting Max the Wonder Dog this weekend

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Daily Aidan

with Miss Heather and Ben 6/29/08 while Aaron and Don played Guitar Hero Aerosmith

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Daily Aidan

Thank You for Your Prayers

Thanks so much for keeping my Aunt Martha in your prayers. She is recovering nicely from her surgery. We would appreciate your continued support with your thoughts and prayers!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Daily Aidan

Hanging out with Grandpa Ludwig

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

On the Road

We're so excited - Aidan is on his first road trip! Dad, Aaron, Aidan, and I drove to Ft. Worth, TX today to introduce Aidan to his great-grandparents and other beloved family members. He was really great in the car...pretty grumpy tonight...and finally starting to calm down for the night. We will be posting pictures soon!

PS - please keep my Aunt Martha in your prayers. She is having surgery tomorrow and we'd appreciate each of you keeping a good thought for her!

Daily Aidan

...from Aidan's first visit to Chick-fil-A 7/3/08

Monday, July 7, 2008

We're headed for the poorhouse

The proofs of Aidan's newborn pictures are up...holy crap, we're headed straight for the poorhouse!

To view, go to

Daily Aidan

In a hat from the Corcoran family...picture taken by Auntie Jen

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Daily Aidan

Feedings on demand...being held all is good:)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Daily Aidan

Happy July 4th!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Daily Aidan

Looking like a very big boy...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Aidan's hospital picture

It's hard to believe that Aidan has grown much in the last two weeks, until we saw
Here is his hospital picture!

Daily Aidan

Here's Aidan, showing off how he slept "in his crib" the first week and a half at home. Luckily now he is content laying all the way down on the mattress...but the bouncy chair is still worth its weight in gold!

We're so fortunate that Aidan is already sleeping through the night!!

Cute Girl

Our niece Emily just got glasses. Doesn't she look adorable?!
Smart girls rule!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Daily Aidan

Decked out in Cubs gear, but not terribly thrilled about the prospect of tummy time!