Monday, November 17, 2008

Monthly Aidan

At five months, Aidan:
-weighs around 18 pounds
-eats rice cereal twice a day
-has milk 5 times a day
-took his first plane trip (to Raleigh, NC)
-can roll from tummy to back
-can push his entire upper body off the ground
-prefers standing up to sitting or laying down
-loves pat-a-cake, jumping on Daddy's belly, and Aiken Drum (a Kindermusik song)
-goes to bed between 10-11pm and sleeps until between 7-8am
-started playing in his jumperoo
-chews on everything...we think he's teething
-thinks his exersaucer is pretty cool
-smiles and flirts with people he knows
-is acutely aware of his surroundings
-doesn't enjoy his car seat very much but loves his stroller
-belly laughs at his mom & dad
-is wearing 6-12mos clothes
-changes faster than we want him to:)


Kate said...

OMG, that picture is adorable!!!

princess jeffier said...

Amy-he looks so much like you did at that age!! What a little chub!

neece300 said...

Get used to it - they continue to change WAY faster than you want them to. They grow like weeds and their clothes don't last very long either. ;0)

He's SOOOOOOOO cute!