Saturday, January 17, 2009

Monthly Aidan

At seven months, Aidan:
-sits up by himself
-thinks his feet are hilarious
-doesn't mind his car seat at all, but he's about to outgrow it!
-holds things with his hands and feet
-nurses four times a day and has two solid food meals a day
-prefers standing over sitting
-drinks from a sippy cup
-can hold his own bottle
-sleeps about 11 hours each night
-takes 3 naps each day, and they can range from 30 minutes to 2 hours long
-loves peekaboo and looking in the mirror
-enjoys yogurt, oatmeal, pears, bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, and apples, and is still not a fan of green beans
-still has two teeth
-puts himself to sleep, swaddled with a lovey
-is incredibly happy lying on his changing table
-is a true joy!

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