Thursday, March 26, 2009

Monthly Aidan

At nine months, Aidan:
-weighs 20 lbs., 4 oz. and is 29" long
-wears mostly 12mo clothes and size 3 diapers
-eats three solid meals each day, nurses twice a day, and has two bottles a day
-would rather stand and walk (with help) than sit or lay down or crawl
-can roll over both ways
-babbles all day, and says dadadadadadadadada
-can clap and wave
-sleeps eleven hours each night, loosely swaddled with a lovey
-takes a good 2-hour morning nap each day, and sometimes takes a long afternoon nap
-loves to feed himself, including waffles, scrambled egg yolk, cheerios, and grapes
-thinks rough housing with his dad is the funniest thing EVER
-isn't too picky about what he eats. He's even started liking watermelon, much to Mom's chagrin
-is busting out of his "bucket" car seat. We keep putting off transferring him into his big boy car seats because of the cold weather
-thinks turning his crib aquarium on and off, on and off, on and off, is wildly entertaining
-loves his grandparents very much and smiles and laughs at them
-waves at his food/bottle while he's eating
-has two teeth and is getting four(!) more

1 comment:

neece300 said...

He's growing WAY too fast - can you put your thumb on his head and make him stop for awhile?? His Aunt Neece is REALLY needing an "Aidan" fix! ;-)