Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monthly Aidan

4/17 - At 10 months, Aidan:
-rolls wherever he wants to go
-gets mad if we try to make him crawl
-has switched to his big boy car seat
-shakes every toy to see if it makes noise
-if the toy makes noise, he will shake it with one hand, switch hands, and shake with the other hand. Repeat. Repeat again.
-will eat pretty much anything we put in front of him. Favorites include grapes, avocado, and banana.
-loves to clap and wave
-recognizes the signs for milk, all done, light, fan, and more
-can say dada, hi, and all done
-maintains a very consistent schedule:
7am wake up and nurse, 8:45am breakfast, 9-11am nap, 12:30pm lunch, 1:30-3:30pm nap, 4:00pm bottle, 6:30pm supper, 7:45pm nurse, 8:00pm bed
-has six teeth
-will walk and walk and walk with help
-loves to be outside

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