Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Monthly Aidan

It's Aidan's birthday!

At one year, Aidan:
-talks all the live-long day. Can say mama, dada, all done, hi, no, and sounds starting with ba, pa, la, and more
-does the sign language for more, light, fan, and milk
-claps and laughs all the time
-has six teeth; two more (lower laterals) poked through and halfway up
-shakes the daylights out of his toys
-can crawl on all fours, pull up to standing, and cruise along furniture but really just prefers to army crawl
-loves books and anything with wheels
-still laughs when he eats carrots - though now they are cut up instead of pureed
-will eat anything we put in front of him
-Typical breakfast: waffle, pancake, or oatmeal with fruit
-Typical lunch and dinner: hot dog, Boca burger, pinto beans, or chicken nuggets with fruit and veggie
-nurses first thing in the morning and has bottles in the afternoon and right before bed
-sleeps 8pm-7am each night, and naps 9-11am and *maybe* 2-4pm
-loves knocking towers over and has recently started putting things away!!
-weighs 21 pounds, 11 ounces (40th percentile) and is 30 5/8" long (75th percentile)
-wears 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes
-has learned how to stick out his tongue
-is truly the greatest blessing we could have ever imagined!

1 comment:

neece300 said...

Hope Aidan had a very happy 1st birthday! Did he get his phone messages?