Friday, July 17, 2009

Monthly Aidan

At 13 months, Aidan:
-is wearing 18 month clothes
-thinks sippy cups are for babies. He'd like to drink through a straw, please!
-crawls on all fours, pulls up, and cruises anywhere he wants to go
-does NOT enjoy diaper changes. Can only be pacified with various kitchen utensils to pass the time
-sleeps 7:30pm-7:00am, plus two naps
-waves at anyone and anything
-prefers reading books over playing with most toys
-has eight teeth (top 4 and bottom 4), and is cutting four molars
-loves to play hide and seek and peek-a-boo
-will only drink his milk while we're standing and holding him
-LOVES the remote control and points it at the TV as soon as he gets it, clicking away
-can woof like a dog and crow like a rooster
-asks for mama when daddy goes in to get him in the morning, LOL
-likes to pick out his clothes from the closet
-is obsessed with Grammy's purse
-went swimming and playing in the sandbox for the first time
-thinks swinging at the park is great, but isn't so sure about the slides
-eats a LOT...more than we expect him to. The only thing he's refused lately is macaroni and cheese, forcing us to doubt if he's really ours
-eats every fruit and vegetable we give him
-is learning a lot about limits and the word NO, which does not make him happy
-has become quite the little charmer, who makes mom & dad (and everyone else he sees) fall in love with him more each day!

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