Monday, May 17, 2010

Monthly Aidan

Aidan is 23 months old. Cue my tears...

At almost two, Aidan:
-is finishing up his first year of Parents' Day Out and has loved it
-loves to hug and kiss his toys and stuffed animals, but is still pretty stingy with humans
-is figuring out this whole gross motor thing. Thinks jumping, spinning, and demonstrating "UP" and "DOWN" repeatedly is the best
-throws the occasional throw-myself-on-the-ground-and-act-like-the-world-is-ending-tantrum
-protests diaper changes, triggering said tantrums
-says about 100 words. Current favorites include "Yeah Buddy" and "No Way"
-has two best friends named Buzz and Woody. Wears their clothes, carries them around, watches them on TV daily
-knows at least half the alphabet. Can identify the letter and what sound it makes
-will still choose fruits and veggies over meat
-has opinions and isn't afraid to express them
-sleeps 8pm-7:30am and naps from noon until 2 or 3
-wears 24-month and 2T clothes; size 4 diapers; size 6 shoes
-started role-playing a lot. Loves feeding, rocking, and playing basketball with his dolls
-is turning two a lot faster than we want him to!

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