Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dear McDonald's Southern Style Chicken Sandwich,

I had a coupon to try one of you free, so I stopped by today for a taste. When I opened your packaging, you looked strangely familiar. Smooth bun, soft breading, and two pickles. Now I understand, you poor thing...you're having Chick-fil-A envy!

I don't blame you, really. Who wouldn't want to be my favorite sandwich on the planet? Problem is, you fall short. WAY short.

Thanks for trying.


princess jeffier said...

Dear prinCESS:
Thank you for taking care of my future disappointment of the McDonalds checken sandwich. You have saved me major heartache and tears.

neece300 said...

I could have saved you the disappointment. The breakfast sandwich isn't any better. Sorry you had to find out the hard way as well. Bummer!