Sunday, January 17, 2010

Monthly Aidan (catch-up version!)

I've been feeling sad that I fell behind on the Monthly Aidan posts. We've taken the pictures on the 17th of each month, but now the months have run together and I can't remember what happened when!! Here are the last four monthly photos, along with the Cliff's Notes version of Aidan's life!

October 17 - 16 months

At 16 months and 1 week, Aidan finally started walking! He took about 10 steps at Kindermusik one day, then the next day at Indoor Playground he walked the length of a basketball court. He hasn't stopped moving since!

November 17 - 17 months

At 17 months, Aidan started Parents' Day Out at Prairie Baptist Church. He went one day each week from 9am-2:30pm while Mommy taught Kindermusik. He LOVED it from the very beginning and never cried. Each week, he brought home crafts and reports of all the fun activities. It has been great for him!

December 17 - 18 months

At 18 months, we definitely started the "toddler" stage. Sometimes, Aidan was picky about what meat he would eat. He also started testing our limits - what happens when I throw my food? What happens when I hit? etc. Love & Logic Magic for Early Childhood has been a great resource for us during these new, trying times!

January 17 - 19 months
Physically, Aidan changed a lot this month. He is leaner, taller, and looks more like a BOY. He now attends Parents' Day Out twice a week while Mommy teaches, and still loves his teachers, Ms. Annye and Ms. Nancy. He will eat any fruit or vegetable we give him, and definitely wants to eat whatever we're eating. He talks ALL of the time! The words he says the most are "nope", "baball" (basketball) and "mama", though he also loves "dada", "up", "woof", "baa", and "bye-bye". At last count, he could say about 40 words.
Aidan is wearing 18-24 month clothes and a size 6 shoe. He wears size 4 diapers. At his 18-month checkup, he weighed 26 pounds (50th percentile) and was 33 1/2" inches tall (95th percentile). He loves to play with balls, cars, blocks, anything that stacks, and instruments. He has recently started moving to the music, and his favorite action is patting his head or tummy to the beat.
He still sleeps 8pm-7am with one nap a day that can range from 1 1/2 to 3 hours. He loves sleeping with his lovey blanket and has started becoming more attached to it, wanting to carry it around the house more and sometimes take it on errands.
Aidan's current obsessions are Jayhawks, vacuums, and the American flag. Whenever he sees a Jayhawk, he yells "BABALL!" - a correlation he came up with completely on his own! He uses his toy vacuums constantly, including at PDO, but nothing compares to the real thing, which he loves to help out with! Whenever he sees an American flag, he immediately puts his right hand on his heart and we say the Pledge of Allegiance together. That one really melts our hearts!
The most difficult thing we're running into right now is Aidan's strong will. He wants what he wants, when he wants it! We are doing our best to redirect and teach positive behavior - but wow, it's hard sometimes! However, it's really rewarding watching him remember rules and how proud he is of himself when he remembers them.
All in all, we're having a wonderful time, truly blessed by this smart, sweet, darling, adorable angel from above!

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