Thursday, July 31, 2008

I before E, except after D

I've had a lot of questions about Aidan's name, so I thought I would write a post about it.

The most common question is about spelling - hence the title of this post. The way my mom explains the spelling is "A-I-Dan." There's another way to spell it - Aiden - but I liked the look of both A's, and it is the most common spelling, so we went with that one.

It sounds like an uncommon name, but it was actually the #1 boy name in the state of Kansas last year, and is #54 on the Social Security Administration list. {I even checked to make sure there were lots of personalized items readily available before settling on it!}

Its origin is Irish and means "little fire" or "fiery" - perfect for our little redhead who doesn't stand a chance of avoiding stubbornness! I fell in love with Aidan's name duing the Sex & the City years. John Corbett's character was too cute and a really great, thoughtful guy.

So there you have it - more than you ever wanted to know about Aidan's name!!

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