Saturday, December 17, 2011

Aidan's Advent, Day 16

Sally must have been thirsty today - we found her drinking from one of our Tervis Tumblers!

Aidan's advent activity today was to buy his mommy a stocking stuffer with Dad. For some reason;) I wasn't given a picture of this activity. Aidan has tried to tell me several times what he bought, but I just cover my ears and go "LALALALALALALALALALA" really loudly until he starts talking. I'll find out in about a week what he chose!

Aidan's book tonight was one of my personal favorites, Uncle Mugsy and the Terrible Twins of Christmas. I met the illustrator at Holiday Mart many years ago and have always loved this book. It's about a selfish old bulldog, Uncle Mugsy, whose twin niece and nephew come to visit and pretty much ruin everything, but also put Uncle Mugsy in the Christmas spirit for the first time. The illustrations are amazing!

See you tomorrow!

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