Thursday, December 22, 2011

Aidan's Advent, Day 22

I woke up this morning feeling wonder, it was 8:45! Aidan was sound asleep. I checked on him again at 9:30 and he pulled the covers over his head (exactly the way his daddy does when I try to wake him up). Finally at 10am, he called for me. Are you kidding?? I went to his room to get him up and commented that he slept a long time. His reply was, "Mom, I just want to stay in bed until Christmas." Sounds like a dream come true to me!

While he was sleeping, I was able to finish up our Christmas cards. Finally!

Once Aidan got up and around, he found Sally hiding in his Christmas book basket. It was the first time Sally hid within Aidan's reach, and he did a great job not touching her. It probably helps that we'd just watched the Elf on the Shelf TV special and Aidan saw what happened when one of the characters touched the elf and took his magic away.

Because we were so slow to get up and around, we missed our friend Emily's Baby Jesus Birthday Party, and we were really bummed about that. Aidan's advent activity today was to buy a stocking stuffer for his daddy. We can't show you a picture yet, but we had fun finding something! We also picked out a new pair of shoes for Aidan - rockin' black Sauconys with crazy bright neon green, and a North Face jacket. He dresses better than his parents do!

We got a glimpse of snow today and the first thing Aidan wanted to do was get a cup and catch the snow:

Aaron and Aidan wrapped the first present for our family tonight, and Aidan was so proud!

Aidan opened two books tonight. I think I wrapped too many! He opened Counting Christmas, a Karen Katz counting book, and Olive the Other Reindeer, about a dog who hears the line in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer "All of the other reindeer" and thinks it's about her! It's a darling book and Aidan has liked it since last year.

In other news, I AM ON VACATION NOW! Hooray, hooray, hooray! See you tomorrow:)

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