Saturday, December 3, 2011

Aidan's Advent, Day 3

Aidan woke up to find Sally the Elf sitting on top of a curtain rod in the living room. How did she get up there???

Today, Aidan's Advent Calendar let him know he'd be having breakfast with Santa at his school! Since Daddy sleeps during the day and Mommy works Saturdays, Grandma Pennington took him and they had a great time!

Aidan made sure to tell Santa that he wanted a cement mixer, as well as a very large recycling truck that was up for silent auction.

It must have been the magic of Christmas, but somehow, the silent auction was won and the recycling truck went to Grandma's house. We also bid on and won front row seating for Aidan's Christmas and Spring preschool programs! YES!

After doing a bit of Christmas shopping and going out to dinner, Aidan opened his next Christmas book, which was a big hit:

See you tomorrow!

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