Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pictures - at 20 weeks

Here we are, already at the halfway point! In a way, it seems like it's gone really quickly - in another way, it seems like the Nugget will never get here.

This month has given me much more energy! Hallelujah! I still don't have much of an appetite - or any fun cravings to share - but I'm thankful for that. Lord knows I don't need to gain any unnecessary weight. Speaking of, the no-weight-loss-streak is over...I gained one pound this month, LOL! :)

The Nugget is continuing to grow and I am really looking forward to feeling baby movements soon. (The punching that I mentioned yesterday might not be so much fun, but it will still be a blessing!)

Aaron continues to be the most adorable and doting father-to-be. I couldn't ask for a better partner in all of this!

Our love to all of you:)

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